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DOTS Guild

black outline of d20 with blank faces and braille letter t. Text below reading dots guild

Greetings Traveler, and welcome to the DOTS Guild! Our Guild is home to wonderful individuals who are passionate about being a force of good in the land. Our members span across many different ranks, each one having their own part to play in keeping our mission moving forward. We are actively recruiting new members and have many positions available. Some ranks require a small donation to be made to the guild to help cover costs, while others are available on a volunteer basis. Below you will find a list of our ranks as well as current guild members. If you are interested in joining any of the ranks listed below, please provide the Guild Master with your application or begin your patronage.

Divider graphic. Line with a diamond in the center.

Guild Leaders

Fantasy portrait of Jess. Long dark hair, light skinned, purple blouse. She has pointed elf ears, a circlet with amethyst on her forehead, and a necklace with a star.

Guild Master Jess

Originally the Social Media Sorcerer, Jess (she/her) moved up in the ranks and now leads the DOTS Guild. She has her hands in everything the Guild does, working to keep all aspects moving forward. From recruiting new Guild Members to seeking out new members of the DOTS Family, partnering with new companies and organizations to finding places to donate to and get involved with, and the never ending tasks of problem solving, managing, marketing, and planning for the future, you can always find her hard at work somewhere.

Fantasy painting of Joey. Medum skin tone and long dark hair pulled back wearing a green shirt with high collar and big buttons on the chest.

Master Artificer Joey

Joey (he/him) is responsible for many technical aspects of the DOTS Guild. He takes a hands on approach to his Research and Development work, designing new dice models, tokens, and other tactile gaming aids. He keeps many moving parts moving as they should, maintaining the 3D printers, braille embosser, and programs necessary to complete all our projects. His brain is always running, crafting new ideas, items, and solutions for obstacles we need to overcome. 

Master Seneschal Raina

Raina (she/her) shines behind the scenes for the DOTS Guild. One of the first people a new Guild Member will meet, she focuses on running Operations. She helps keep projects on track by working closely with all Guild Members on their assigned tasks as well as planning out new ones. Raina uses her life experience with disabilities to guide the Guild in the right direction with everything from new ideas to fine tuning existing ones. Her voice is a driving force moving things forward and keeping us connected. 

Fantasy painting of Tyler. They have pale skin and almost shoulder length dark hair with a partially shaved side head. Their eyes are glowing a blue light, matching some of the blue tones on their mage robes.
Fantasy painting of Lilah. She has pale skin and long dark hair pulled to the side in a braid that drapes down her chest. She's wearing paladin heavy armor in a deep silver with deep green accents and fabric.

Master Wordsmith Dakota

Dakota (she/her) is responsible for communications which includes blog posts, social media, emails, and more. Though not experienced with accessibility needs or the disabled community, Dakota does not hesitate to educate herself. She has the ability to organize everything she touches and is helping us grow and improve so we can be at our best. Dakota brings a lot of love, passion, and enthusiasm to the Guild, aspiring to create her own nonprofit in the future to help underprivileged youth. 

Portraits by Henriette Boldt - website | patreon | artstation

Divider graphic. Line with a diamond in the center.


DOTS logo with image of gears and script style text artificer.


Aid the Guild Leaders in designing new items to be crafted for the community. Share your knowledge, experiences, and history to help makes lives easier for all.

Artificers: none

DOTS logo with script style text cartographer and an image of a compass rose.
DOTS logo with an image of an unfurled scroll and script style text herald.


Work with a Sage developing maps that are optimized for embossing to be included in tomes being worked on. Existing maps will be provided from original text.

Cartographers: none


Help spread the word of the DOTS Guild and it's charitable efforts, sharing news, events, and updates with the citizens of this land and others.

Heralds: Anna, Danielle, Kris, Michael, Mimsy

DOTS logo with script style text limner and image of an artists paint brush crossed by a feathered ink quill.


Work with a Sage, helping them illuminate the tomes they have completed. Take existing imagery and provide detailed descriptions to be included in the final volumes.

No braille knowledge necessary, looking for sighted individuals to provide image descriptions for artwork in texts being transcribed into braille.

Limners: Anna, Ari, Austin, Cindy, Elspeth, Jeff, Joss, Kai, Kris, Kristen, Kristen, Mimsy, Rachel, Samantha, Sammy, Stilts, Tina 

DOTS logo with script style text sage and an image of an open blank book and feathered ink quill.


Transcribe provided works, preparing them for creation as tactile volumes.

Braille Blaster (free software) or similar required

Sages: Cindy, Elspeth, Veronica

DOTS logo with an image of a large black feathered ink quill scribbling a line next to script style text scribe.


Post provided missives to local merchants and organizations, inviting them to join the DOTS Family.

Scribes: Anna, Carrie, Daniel, Elspeth, Kris, Mike, Natalie, Rachel, Rhi

DOTS logo with script style text sculptor and an image of a hammer and chisel.


Following in the footsteps of the most famous artists and sculptors who have shared their skills with the DOTS Guild, put your sketching or modeling talents to use. Help bring ideas from Artificers to life and craft new items to help the community.

Sculptors: none

dots technomancer no bg.png


Working with specialty equipment and knowledge, Technomancers provide guidance on accessing glowing tomes and pages.

Experience with screen readers, captions, or other aspects of digital accessibility required

Technomancers: Tyler, Etai, Yubi

Divider graphic. Line with a diamond in the center.


DOTS logo with script style text initiate and an image of a crystal ball on a stand.



New guild members are granted the power of foresight, learning what will happen in the near future.

Initiates receive visions of behind the scenes updates, detailing what we're working on that hasn't yet been released to the public.

Initiates: Luis, Mage, Peter, Julia, Epidiah, Bil, Deramin, Cas, Elspeth, Joe, Creatively Queer Press

DOTS logo with script style text blacksmith's apprentice and an image of 6 stacked ingots.

Blacksmith's Apprentice


Train with the blacksmiths of Die Hard Forge and gain access to new weapons.

One random 7 piece polymer set from Die Hard Dice every month.

Apprentices: Nicolas, Danielle, Brandon, Amanda, Dublin, Michael

DOTS logo with script style text blacksmith and an image of a hammer laying on an anvil.



Your time training at the Die Hard Forge has paid off, and you are able to craft even better weapons for your adventures.

One random 7 piece metal set from Die Hard Dice every month.

Blacksmiths: none

dots 4d6 logo with text reading altruist and an image of a pile of gold coins


You put others before yourself, seeking only to help those in need.

Fund our organization's operating costs, including sets of braille dice to be donated to a member of the DOTS Family.

Altruist - Copper: Jeff, Ellysheva, Snalydo, Thomas, Gerard, Evan, Hawke, Joss, Hal, Danielle

Altruist - Silver: none

Altruist - Electrum: none

Altruist - Gold: Meg

Altruist - Platinum: none

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