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Podcast - High Shelf Gaming: Accessibility in Gaming

Take a listen to the podcast here:

Via HSG:

This week Rich and I are joined by the founder of an inspiring initiative, Jack Berberette of the DOTS RPG Project.

DOTS RPG is a project focused on making tabletop gaming, RPGs specifically, more accessible for the blind and now other impairments and disabilities. The project has a ton of attention right now and they're engaged with many companies, developers, and groups to try and make this world a bit better for people who're unfortunately unable to see, hear, or roll dice. Truly inspiring effort, and we're so fortunate to have gotten Jack on our show to talk about all the good they're doing.

Also mentioned on the show is the RPG Research Group, another promising initiative. "We use a research-driven approach to create inclusive and accessible programs that measurably improve people’s lives through music and role-playing games." Very cool project.

You can follow Jack and his project on Twitter at @DOTSrpg and donations to their project directly aide in providing these special dice to the people who need it. This link will get you to their donation page:

Also, Jack just found a new app for the deaf!



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